Australian Institute of Applied Blockchain

Note: This website is a draft only. All information and awards that are referred to in this draft site are subject to the successful course accreditation and provider registration by the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA). September 2024

Offering a Bachelor in
Applied Blockchain

An Emerging Technology for social, economic & environmental good.


Australian Institute of
Applied Blockchain

Welcome to the Bachelor of Applied Blockchain at the Australian Institute of Applied Blockchain (AIAB). Over three years, this course unlocks the application of blockchain technology. Year one lays the groundwork, challenging traditional systems and introducing key concepts like decentralization, smart contracts, and tokenization. Year two delves deeper, exploring blockchain value drivers and disruptive business modelling, alongside governance principles and IoT integration. Year three focuses on practical management of blockchain networks, addressing operational challenges and real-world applications in critical areas like food security and finance. Throughout the program, students develop portfolios and pitch blockchain applications, preparing them for a future at the forefront of this revolutionary technology. There are currently no exit points within the course.

Our Course

The AIAB Bachelor of Applied Blockchain comprises 24 x 6 credit point units (a total of 144 credit points) for a duration of 3 years at a rate of 2 semesters per year and 4 units per semester. Below is a summary of the units by year level for the course.

Year Semester Unit Code Unit Title
Semester 1
Introduction to Blockchain
Blockchain Key Concepts
Blockchain Networking Design Principles
Decentralised IoT Data
Semester 2
Tokenisation on the Blockchain
Foundations of Smart Contracts
Machine Learning on the Blockchain
Ethical and Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence on the Blockchain


Governance and Management

AIAB has a governance framework to ensure self assurance. The institute has the Director that  confers upon and delegates all the powers, authorities and discretions vested in the Board with respect to the operation and management of the Institute to the Governing Council. The Governing Council is a committee of the Board and is the formally constituted, peak corporate governing body of the Institute for the purposes of Relevant Regulations and reports to the Board.
The institute also has an Academic Board. The Academic Board is the academic governing body of the Institute, creating an important separation of powers between the Governing Council and the Academic Board. The Governing Council confers upon and delegates all the powers, authorities and discretions vested in the Governing Council with respect to academic matters to the Academic Board, including the power to further delegate as the Academic Board sees fit.
Both the Governing Council and the Academic Board have sub committees that assist in various parts of governance and  to do justice to their roles and responsibilities.  The CEO and Provost head the management team to ensure smooth operation of the Institute and report back to the Governing Council and Academic Board.  
The CEO and Provost provide leadership to the management team and report to the Governing Council and Academic Board.

Membership of AIAB governance bodies ‘Click here’

Our Vision

An influential educational institution

Working ethically with emerging technologies for positive social, economic and community impact.

We will achieve this by being innovative, relevant, and responsive to the needs of industry by ensuring our graduate outcomes are led by quality academic excellence and economic development.

Blockchain is one of the Emerging Technologies
shaping the future to 2030

The Mission

Australian Institute of
Applied Blockchain

Through the provision of high-quality education and insight, the Australian Institute of Applied Blockchain (AIAB) will:

Operationalising the Mission

Australian Institute of Applied Blockchain


Recognising and affirming the efforts and contributions of each person as they participate and develop in their skills


Attentive and open-minded exploration of the current world and the possibilities of technology and collaboration to make it better


Bold and innovative thinking that explores change without being constrained by what is currently possible


Actively seeking out positive contributions and energetically affirming them


Resilient determination and passion to do hard things and make a positive difference


Bold engagement with difficult thinking and connecting to achieve high impact outcomes


Broadly engaging with past, present and future students, staff and other collaborators to produce world’s best practice outcomes.

Strategic Priorities to Achieve the AIAB Mission

Five key activities are identified to achieve the AIAB Mission

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+61 2 9870 7688